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Indirectly, yes. First generation Americans, for example, would be the children, born in America, of immigrant families. If the parents eventually apply for and receive American citizenship, they are termed naturalized Americans, but their children, born after their parents came to America, are said to be native first generation Americans ( not to be confused with First Nations indigenous people -- North American Indian natives. More generally, "first generation" refers to the children born after any particular event of sufficient importance to be noted by an entire population.

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Q: Does the term 'first generation' refer to the offspring of a particular parent?
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The factor that always expresses itself in the first filial generation?

The dominant factor always expresses itself in the first filial generation, known as the F1 generation. This means it is the trait that is visible in the offspring when one parent has a dominant allele for a particular characteristic.

The first filial generation is the result of?

The first filial generation (F1) is the result of a cross between two parent organisms. This generation represents the offspring that result from the mating of the two parents. It is the first generation of hybrid offspring in a genetic cross.

What is the parent or P generation called?

The parental generation is the first set of parents crossed.The F1 (first filial) generation consists of all the offspring from the parents - their children.The F2 (second filial) generation consists of the offspring from allowing the F1 individuals to interbreed - the grandchildren of the parental generation.

Crossing organisms from the F1 generation produces what generation?

Crossing organisms from the F1 generation produces the F2 generation.

What is p generation?

The P generation refers to the parent generation in genetics. It consists of the organisms that are mated to produce the first generation of offspring, known as the F1 generation. The offspring then become the parents for subsequent generations in genetic studies.

What is F1 generation?

The F1 generation refers to the first generation of offspring resulting from a cross between two parent organisms. It stands for "filial 1" and represents the initial stage of genetic inheritance in a breeding experiment. The F1 generation typically exhibits a combination of traits inherited from both parent organisms.

What is the generation of the offspring of parental generation?

The offspring of the Parental generation are termed the F1 or First filial generation.

What is the offspring of the parental generation?

The offspring of the Parental generation are termed the F1 or First filial generation.

The first generation of offspring from the cross of two parents is called the .?

The first generation of offspring from the cross of two parents is called the F1 generation.

What is generation is the offspring of the P or parental generation?

The offspring of the P or parental generation are often referred to as the F1 or first filial generation.

What kind of generation is the offspring of the parental generation?

The offspring of the parental generation is known as the first filial generation, often abbreviated as F1 generation. This generation represents the first set of offspring resulting from a genetic cross between two individuals from the parental generation.