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Q: Does the time change as you go north or south of the Equator along the same longitude line?
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What is the latitude and longitude for equator?

The equator is a latitude line, so it has no specific longitude. The equator is at 0o north or south. There are many points on the equator, so every point on the equator has a different longitude.

One degree of longitude equals 0 miles on the ground?

One degree of longitude represents about 69.1 miles along the equator. It dwindles as you move away from the equator, and is zero at the north and south poles.

What are the Lines north and south of equator?

Lines of longitude's

How mesure the degree of longitude?

we can measured the longitude by north pole and south pole by equator

Does one degree of longitude equal 270 km?

The distance represented by one degree of longitude varies according to distance from the equator. That's because the meridians of longitude are equally distributed around the equator but all converge to a single point at the north and south poles. The greatest distance between any two meridians of longitude, then, is the distance between the points where they cross the equator. Along the equator, one degree of longitude covers about 111.1 kilometers.

What lines measure distances north or south of the equator?


Is the longitude north or south of which imaginary line?

Latitude is measured north and south of the equator.

How does the linear distance separating each 1 degree of longitude change as you move from the equator toward the poles?

The linear distance across each degree of longitude at the equator is about 60 miles. That's as far apart as those lines of longitude get. As the lines of longitude run north (or south) to the north (south) pole, they converge until they all meet at the pole. That translates like this: the linear distance separating each degree of longitude is a maximum at the equator, and decreases to zero at the pole.

When moving north or south from the equator what does the lines of longitude do?

Any two lines of longitude you choose get closer togetheras they proceed from the equator to the poles.

What city is north of the equator and near 70 W longitude?


What are the horizontal lines that are read north or south or the equator?

longitude and latitude.

Longitude is measured north and south of what imaginary line?

The equator yall