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lengend has it......if u stay up to see her then she will grant u one can be any wish u want even to become a fairy!It goes in her tooth mansion so she can clean them and magically put them in baby's teeth!

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Q: Does the tooth fairy come When your tooth falls out where does it go?
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Does your family and you need to go to sleep for the tooth fairy to come?

you just need to be a sleep and your siblings.

If you go to the dentis to get your tooth out will the tooth fairy come?

ask the dentist to please give you the tooth so you can take it home to keep for ther tooth fairy, all the dentists will be happy to do that for you because they would never be able to get any work done because the tooth fairy would ALWAYS BE HANGING AROUND when the dentist wasn't looking!!

How does the tooth fairy know which room to go in?

Because it can smell your tooth

Where do all your missing socks go?

All of the missing socks Go to Kingdom Come, where they are all having a tea party with the tooth fairy and Santa Claus, waiting for you to come join them.

What do you do if the crown falls out of your tooth with most of the tooth and the post?

go to a dentist

Where does the tooth fairy keep teeth?

she takes the teeth and makes them into cups for her fairy friends.she uses cat teeth to make claws for kittens.she will make them into a dress and go to the fairy prom.

Where do your teeth go after you put them under the pillow?

too the tooth fairy of course.

Can you go and see the tooth fairy?

not anymoe because it is out on DVD but you can get the DVD and watch it.

What is the tooth fairy number?

Do you mean as in phone number? The tooth fairy doesn't really exist, so she won't have a phone number.

How does the tooth fairy come Ino your house?

the tooth fairy will come to your house! because im the tooth fairy!don't believe me? proof will fix ya up!how do i know you lost a tooth?well,an alarm goes on when you get a loose tooth!if you just found a tooth on the ground or a store, the alarm wont go do you know where i live?well we have a little map that has your street name and adress.where do i live?in toothfairy land hidden in the many teeth have i collected?since kids do have alot of teeth given to me, i have collected 566,844,585,218,216,155,785,335 teeth!maybe,just maybe your tooth is counted in there!do kids get the same amount of money?sometimes.sometimes if we dont have money,we have gifts!like action figures,toy boxes,doll houses and even PUPPES!do animals lose there baby teeth?of course!but im not the one who collects them.the animal tooth fairy does!he is very friendly!we harldy see each other but sometimes when we have breaks,we sit down and have a healthy snack.can i visit you tooth fairy?of course you can!all you have to do is fly up to the sky,go to the ninth cloud,over the lavender fairy bridge then you'll see the entrance to toothfairyland!i hope you guys enjoy the toothfairy! bye!

What will happen if you put a tooth in water?

It would go even whiter than ever so do it when the tooth fairy comes and you might get more money! =D

What are the traditions in Ireland regarding the tooth fairy?

The child will leave their tooth under their pillow when they go to sleep and the next morning the tooth will be gone and there will be some money in its place. There is no set amount that could be there.