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The tooth fairy, which in reality is your parents, will collect the tooth, broken or otherwise.

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Q: Does the tooth fairy leave broken teeth if it came out broken?
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Does the tooth fairy pick up broken teeth?


Does the tooth fairy have any pets?

the tooth fairy does have pets dog teeth are the tooth fairy's pets

My child wants to keep her tooth and leave a note for the tooth fairy. Should the tooth fairy leave her money?

Yes, of course, that is the whole purpose. Well, the "Tooth Fairy's" job is to take the tooth from under the pillow and leave a gift, it can be money or whatever she would choose to leave. If the TOOTH isn't there for her to pick up it elimates her job and the story is incomplete. She isn't called the note fairy, or the "iou" fairy, after all! I'd explain to her that, I didn't think it would work, that it is like she is trying to trick the Tooth Fairy, she knows the tooth came out and is waiting for the tooth. But if she still wanted to try I'd let her, but the Tooth Fairy wouldn't be acting like the note fairy, she'd be offended and not take the note. Maybe even leave one of her own, asking for the tooth. Then I'd encourage her to leave the tooth the next night and the Tooth Fairy would be happy to leave a gift, maybe with a note saying it's not nice to try and fool the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy can leave more than just money, he can leave a note or a small gift. The Tooth Fairy really needs teeth for his castle, so that is why he takes every single tooth.

Do you leave the window open for the tooth fairy?

yes you can leave the window open for the tooth fairy

What do kids say what do the tooth fairy does with the teeth?

the tooth fairy takes your tooth and leaves a dollar(£1) for you

Does the tooth fairy exisist?

No, the tooth fairy isn't real. The Tooth fairy is a myth. The people who trade your teeth for money are your parents.

What do they do with teeth after they are pulled?

Teeth are disposed of in the clinic together with the rest of the biohazardous material. If a little kid is getting the tooth pulled, sometimes they will be given the teeth to leave out for their parents, er uh, tooth fairy.

Will the tooth fairy take a broke tooth?

In the case of deciduous or "baby" teeth: Payment on teeth removed deliberately may be delayed (at the tooth-fairy's option) until the natural time for the loss of that tooth. Teeth accidentally dislodged, or broken by violence (wherein the owner was not a mutual combatant) may be submitted for reimbursement immediately. Permanent "adult" teeth may not be redeemed under any circumstances. Each tooth may only be used once, even if it is broken and falls out in separate multiple events.

What is the tooth fairy's favorite song?

teeth wonderful teeth and me

Where does the tooth fairy keep teeth?

she takes the teeth and makes them into cups for her fairy friends.she uses cat teeth to make claws for kittens.she will make them into a dress and go to the fairy prom.

Should I leave broken tooth in the gym?

Best to throw it away or keep it. Don't leave it there.HumourTry ptting it under your pillow. You never know the tooth fairy might visit!

What is the tooth fairy's birthday?

a new tooth fairy is born every time one of your teeth falls out! :)