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Q: Does the wings of a paper airplane affect how far it goes?
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Does the width of a paper airplane affect how far it goes?


How does the type of paper airplane affect how far it goes?

the lighter the paper the easier the lift.Heavey paper will drop quicker.

Why does the size of the wingspan on a paper airplane affect the distance?

Because the larger/longer the wings are the more lift it recives. And the more lift it recives, the further it goes. I'm an airbus a330 pilot for lufthansa.

What paper airplane goes farther notebook paper construction paper copy paper?

i think the construction paper airplane will fly farther

What type of paper fold effects how far the paper airplane goes?


How does air effect how far a paper airplane goes?

by with are grown nothing

Will adding weight to the wings of a paper airplane make it fly straighter?

yes it will add more momentum so it goes faster and lunges front word at least that's how i make fast ones...

How are some bird wings like an airplanes wings?

Some bird wings are like airplanes wings because the air goes over and under it like a airplane soaring through the sky!

Why do paper airplanes go up?

it's because of the air that help the airplane goes up.

Why does the size of a paper airplane affect flight?

With more surface area on the wings of the paper airplane there will be more air providing lift for the plane. If the mass of the plane is increased less than the surface area of the plane is increased, then the ratio of the force of gravity to force of lift should decrease, theoretically, allowing the plane to stay in the air longer. There are other significant factors in how long the paper airplane will stay air born. The Launch speed is directly proportional to the amount of air moving over the wings which provides lift. However, the larger the plane and the lighter the material is the more likely the plane will deform at high launch speeds or from launching the plane by holding to far back on the plane during launch, which will make the plain more likely to drop from lack of lift if the plane deforms too much.

How is the airplane flies?

High air pressure builds up under the wings, and low air pressure goes over the wing, and that makes lift. Thrust from engine pushes it forward.

How does a airplane work?

An airplane is a machine used to fly. An airplane uses it's engine to produce thrust to move the aircraft. When an airplane takes off the engine(s) push the aircraft faster and faster. At a certain speed there is enough air flowing over the wings at a high enough speed for the wings to produce lift. Lift pushes the aircraft into the air and keeps it there. When an airplane goes to slow or is pointed at too great and angle, it's stalls, and falls out of the sky. Airplanes are used to carry people and goods over great distances faster and cheaper than many other forms of transport.