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Only TIME takes alcohol out of the system. Products MAY seem to make it quicker but sorry, only time. If you've drunk, don't do any of the things you shouldn't have. no matter what you have taken. This include coffee.

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Q: Does tomato juice take alcohol out of the bloodstream?
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Why do you have to take a bath in tomato juice to get rid of skunk smell?

The acid in the tomato juice neutralizes the chemicals used to produce the odor by the skunk's butt!

Does alcohol clean out your sytem faster if you take pills?

No. Only time can remove alcohol from the bloodstream.

Once in the bloodstream how long does alcohol take to reach the brain?

A few minutes

What is a non-commercial remedy for skunk odor?

Take a bath in tomato juice.

How much does it take for alcohol to be absorbed enter the bloodstream and travel to the brain?

3 mins

Should you take a tomato juice bath if you are sprayed by a skunk?

Tomato juice is a good remedy. There are also now products available at pet supply stores that will work.

Can shampoo take off the smell of a skunk?

unless its tomato juice with shampoo then yes but just shampoo, no.

Is tomato safe in high uric acid?

Yes tomato is a relatively low purine food and produces little uric acid. I have heard though that you should take care with tomato juice for some reason.

How do you deskunk a dog?

Deskunking a dog can take a lot of work. Dog baths do not work, but bathing them in a lot of tomato juice does. Though it may seem silly, the tomato juice helps get rid of the odor and smell. Do this a couple of times with your dog and I'll guarantee the smell will go away.

What happens to the shell of an egg when put in tomato juice?

ketchupie egg or the tomato paste squidges out the sides as you forgot to take ot some of the tomato paste firstor (well it depends how long you leave it in there, i will leave the rest up to your imagination.)oreggy-ketchup

Once the alcohol is in the bloodstream how fast does it spread through the body?

In roughly 30 seconds. It might take a bit longer to reach some tissues.

How long does it take for alcohol to completely the bloodstream after consumption?

Alcohol is cleared from the system by the liver at the rate of approximately 1/3 ounce (9.3 grams) of pure alcohol per hour. To calculate the time, take the number of ounces of pure alcohol and multiply by three. This does not take into account the fact that the drinks are not all consumed at the same time, so add some time to account for that.