

Does wet strawberries rot faster

Updated: 11/10/2022
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15y ago

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I find that wet strawberries do rot faster.

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Q: Does wet strawberries rot faster
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Why do strawberries spoil faster than bananas and apples?

I don't think strawberries rot faster than a banana. Bananas because they turn brown and moldy after a short period of time. Although the temperature determine when an apple will rot.

Which fruit rot faster grapes or strawberries?

It depends on whether the non-organic fruits have been treated to make them have a longer shelf life. If they have not been, the organic fruits would not rot any faster than the non-organic.

Why do strawberries rot?

Strawberries actually rot fast because of many different reasons. Just think about it, strawberries are transferred to many different places. When we go and buy strawberries from the grocery story, and take them home they last about 3 or 4 days. Many it's because strawberries travel. In the summer time we go strawberries to eat, but in the winter time strawberries are transported from places like California (where it rarely has bad weather). Strawberries also probably rot fast because when strawberries are been delivered to different places they are sitting in trucks, planes and cars to get to different destinations. That is why strawberries rot fairly fast!

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It will rot faster on the counter

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well if they're cut,the juice from the strawberries will get on the sugar and then the sugar will get wet......

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If Its Wet, Sure

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Chocolate milk will rot faster then white milk

What would rot faster banana or apple?

Under the same conditions, a strawberry will rot much faster than an apple.