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It contain seven colors.They are violet,indigo,blue,green,orange,yellow and red

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Q: Does white light contain red light and Green light?
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What color would a cucumber appear in green light white light and red light?

Green light - Green, White light - Green, Red light - Black

What colour is made by removing red from white light?

Cyan (blue/green) is made when you remove red from white (red, blue, green) light.

What do you get if you mix cyan and red in the light spectrum?

White, because cyan is a mixture of blue and green light, so if you mix red with the blue and green light, you get white.

Blue red and green light are all present in what color of light?

Blue, red, and green light are all present in white light. One can observe this by shining a white light through a prism.

What can be created by combining red green and blue light is called?

When red, blue and green light is combined, it creates white light (theoretically).

Red green blue light?

Combined, make white light.

The primary colors of visible light are red blue and what?

The third primary colour of light besides red and blue is green. This is why colour televisions contain red, blue and green pixels.

What colour would red green and white appear if a green light was shone at them?

While the ball would still be green it will appear black. Anything green absorbed all colours except green. The green light is reflected to your eyes which makes it look green. Thus in red light (with no green in it) the red will be absorbed and no green light can be reflected to your eyes so the ball will look black.

What colour will a yellow object look in red light and why?

It will look red. White light is made up of a spectrum of many colours. The primary colours are red, green and blue. An object (in white light) appears yellow because it reflects red and green light but absorbs blue light. In red light, the same object will simply reflect the red light. Since there is no green light, the object will appear red. (A mixture of red and green gives yellow)

Does white light contain ultraviolet and infrared light?

Not necessarily. It could, but as humans cannot perceive these colors, and white is based off of our perception of a color containing red, blue, and green, ultraviolet and infrared are not necessary to create "white".

What color does red and green light make?

Green light + red light in red, green, blue context makes yellow; in red, yellow, blue context, it makes white. RGB is used for computer screens, and RYB for reflected light such as from paintings.

How can you get white light from red blue and green light?

white is the presence of all colors and black is the absence of all colors, so red, blue and green light mixed together make white, but the amounts have to be equal