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They like it dark

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they think its alright

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the dark

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Q: Does woodlice like dark place
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Related questions

Where do earthworms and woodlice live?

Dark, damp, and earthy places.

What do woodlice like?

woodlice like yellow, rotten plants and vegetables and fungi

Why do woodlice preffer dark and damp places?

These places protects them from direct sun

What are the other two conditions of the woodlice's natural habitat?

woodlice can dry out so its main habitat is a wet place

Do woodlice prefer damp conditions?

They prefer damp conditions, Because woodlice need to breath through the moisture, they also have gills so they need to be in damp places like under rocks , logs & leaves's also need to be in dark conditions

Do meal worms like bright or dark places?

they like to be in dark place

What is a woodlices habitat?

woodlice like to live under things that are dark so they don't get dried out, eg: under stones, plant pots, and under bricks and wood.

Why do woodlice not have teeth?

Woodlice are not insects because they are crustaceans just like pill bugs.

Where don't woodlice like to live?

water or ice

Does humidity affect the population of woodlice?

they dont like it

How is a woodlice adapted to its environment?

Woodlice tend to thrive in dark, damp conditions. Therefore, high humidity and dark conditions are the best places for them to grow. Light-filled, dry conditions are not woodlice-friendly, and therefore the best conditions to keep, if one is trying to avoid the infestation of woodlice.

What was the like?

A dark, quiet, kind of creepy place.