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it has nuffin 2 do wiv glass size its all bout how much alcohol u actually drink

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Q: Does your blood alcohol stay lower if you drink tiny cups of beer instead of big glasses?
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Related questions

How many glasses of water do you have to drink to eliminate alcohol from your bloodstream?

Water does not eliminate alcohol from your blood, time does.

What will happen if you drink more then 2 glasses of alcohol?

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) will rise temporarily.

Can I drink alcohol before 12 hours of blood test for cholesterol?

If you drink alcohol 12 hours before the blood test for cholesterol, its traces will be found in the blood sample. It is therefore advisable not to drink alcohol.

What kinds of alcohol can you drink if you are allergic to sugar?

blood alcohol

How drinks can a person have before they get drunk?

It varies too much and is too subjective to answer outright.Strictly speaking from blood alcohol level an average American woman can drink about 2 glasses of typical red wine before getting "buzzed" and about 3 glasses before they run the risk of having a blood alcohol level that would be considered intoxicate. Even then it is not advisable to drive even after 1. You do not have to, in the US, have an elevated blood alcohol level to be considered impared.A typical male would would be able to drink 4 glasses of red wine before blood alcohol becomes an issue and still get buzzed after two glasses (8 ounces to a glass if memory serves me correctly).This is assuming that you drank them over a period of an hour roughly.Again this varies based on the weight, how often they drink, etc. and if you are talking mental impairment or strictly a blood alcohol level.At 161 lbs and a casual drinker it takes me (Idgarad) 5 glasses of Red Wine in a 1 hour period to blow a .08 on a breathlizer. I can drink 3 glasses of Red Wine though in a 30 minute period and blow a .13 so the speed at which you drink can greatly affect it.In addition eating\not eating prior to drinking can affect it also.Another influencer of this is the proof (amount of alcohol) in the drink. the higher the proof the more alcohol in the drink.Unless you are exceptionally large or small, you will be legally intoxicated if you drink between four and five American beers in one hour.

Is alcohol normally found in the blood of a person who doesn't drink and what is the normal blood alcohol concentration?

No it is not , the normal blood alcohol concentration is 0.000000

How does alcohol enter your blood stream?

You drink it

How many children drink alcohol every day?

0 children drink alcohol but in medicine there is alcohol so children drink alcohol when they are sick.

Where does the alcohol that you drink go in your body?

Alcohol is absorbed through the blood stream

How does a liver helps the body?

it filters out the blood of bad things, ex: when you drink alcohol, it cleans the alcohol from the blood.

How do you lower your blood alcohol concentration?

dont drink

Can you drink alcohol before a blood transfusion?

Only if it is legal where you are.