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No, and here's why. Usually, BMs have next to no body-fat in them, but some people can shed a pound or more of fat per day (albeit sometimes dangerously) by water-fasting or the Master Cleanse. Also, people who take Alli will have quite a bit of liguified-fat in their stools. In this case, it would take at least a week's worth of bowel-movements to make that much of a change in body fat percentage.

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Q: Does your body fat percent change when you have a bowel movement?
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No not really as it contains bacteria and waste that your body needs to get rid of not to redigest.

Can you die from bowel movement?

The body produces waste everyday.(obviously!) to rid this waste from your body it builds in your bowels until it is enough to release. Aka "going #2" if you cannot have a bowel movement however your body cannot release the waste. over time it will build and eventually make you very sick. in short you can die from no bowel movement. the toxins in your body will literally poison you. now remember this is over a quite large amount of time if you have no bowel movement over 1 or 2 days you may be just fine eat more fiber or take a laxative if problem persists. if problem passes three days see your physician immediately.

What eating disorders cause a change in bowel movement?

First of all, if you're concerned that you have an eating disorder, you may need to contact a doctor or psychiatrist, talk to your parents, or peers. Eating disorders are not healthy, and can do lots of long term damage to your body. To answer your question: All of the above, and much more. Any change in your diet, the frequency with which you eat, or even your environment (added stress from a new job, moving into a new house) can result in a change in your bowel movements. There is no perfect definition of a 'normal' bowel movement, and there are many factors which can cause changes in your bowel movements. However, if you're experiencing less than 3 bowel movements a week, or more than 3 watery bowel movements a day, you may need to contact a doctor.

Is there a bowel movement catheters?

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