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First of all, if you're concerned that you have an eating disorder, you may need to contact a doctor or psychiatrist, talk to your parents, or peers. Eating disorders are not healthy, and can do lots of long term damage to your body.

To answer your question: All of the above, and much more.

Any change in your diet, the frequency with which you eat, or even your environment (added stress from a new job, moving into a new house) can result in a change in your bowel movements.

There is no perfect definition of a 'normal' bowel movement, and there are many factors which can cause changes in your bowel movements.

However, if you're experiencing less than 3 bowel movements a week, or more than 3 watery bowel movements a day, you may need to contact a doctor.

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Q: What eating disorders cause a change in bowel movement?
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