

Does your right lung weigh the same as your left lung?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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It doesn't, your left lung is a bit smaller than the right one because of the heart's position.

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Q: Does your right lung weigh the same as your left lung?
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Are the 2 lungs the same?

The left lung only has 2 lobes (superior and inferior) because the heart takes up much of the space allowed on the left side. The right lung; however, has 3 lobes (Superior, Middle, and Inferior). Yes. The left lung is a little less voluminous than the right lung. It has two lobes, whereas the right lung has three. Its volume is displaced a bit more, by the location of the heart, than the right lung.

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No its actually the same size. It's been proven by docters.

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Human lungs aren't the same shape on opposite sides of the body because the heart sits slightly to the left of the midline. To make room for the heart in humans, the left lung has a cardiac notch, which isn't found on the right lung.

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The left lung, although smaller than the right lung, does exactly the same thing: takes oxygen from the air and adds it to hemoglobin in the blood, so that all of the cells in the body can have oxygen to use in metabolism.

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no, i guess

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How many lobes the the left lung of the fetal pig have?

Pigs are mammals, and so have four-chambered hearts. Therefore, their left side has two chambers, a atrium and a ventricle, and the right side has the same. **Ignore the above answer as the person who answered apparently did not read the question. Specifically states LOBES OF THE LUNG, nothing to do with chambers of the heart.**

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