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If a child, teen, or an adult has been thoroughly evaluated for ADHD (an attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder), Ritalin may be one of several medications that will lessen the 3 most common characteristics of ADHD: impulsivity, inattention, and excessive fidgetiness. The dose will depend on the age, weight, and clinical response of the patient.

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Q: Dosage for Ritalin And does it help to improve concentration...?
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Is Ritalin effective for ADHD?

Ritalin can help increase concentration and attention control in someone who has problems with those things. Some autistic people have problems with attention control; some do not. Ritalin may or may not help those who have problems with attention. Ritalin will not directly affect the symptoms of autism.

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Here's a link to help you learn how to improve your concentration skills.

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There are no flavors that help improve concentration. The only thing that has been proven to make you more alert is caffeine - either a small cup of coffee or tea. The main thing to improve your concentration is your attitude - if you decide to pay attention better, you'll do it.

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There are several different herbal remedies to help improve your concentration. You may want to think about consulting your doctor before you try any new medications.

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Yes it will make you want to shag anything with a pulse. Or without a pulse, depending on your dosage.

Can Ritalin help you pass a marijuana drug test?

First of all, you shouldn't smoke weed while you are taking Ritalin. And second, no it won't help you pass. Sorry.

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Doodling can improve concentration and focus. It could help to improve memory skills by promoting interaction with the environment. It may help us to stay awake during boring class or lecture. It can even help those suffering with attention deficit - hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a way of keeping their minds focused.

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Low music in the background has been shown to improve concentration levels. Its called 'Musac' when used for this purpose.

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Golf hypnosis is often used by golfers to improve their golf game. Some believe the calming affects of being hypnotized help with concentration and positive messaging to improve ones golf score.

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Does exercise help improve your concentration?

If you want to improve concentration then start with the health. A healthy person will have better concentration because he feels comfortable doing something. In order to have good concentration, one must be healthy. First, you have to maintain a healthy life in order to have a healthy mind. Eat the right kind of food with the right amount because the kind of food you eat everyday will help you develop a sound mind. If you have a healthy body then it is more likely that you will have a better concentration which is easier to improve. You can choose what exercise to do in order to improve your concentration. Concentration is right focus on something. Whether you are reading, watching a movie, listening to someone talking or doing something, your concentration is needed. It means that you have to have focus on what you are doing so that you can do it right. Do some exercises. With the exercise, try counting and concentrating on what you are doing. Your mind will soon follow the rhythm of your daily exercise which will improve your concentration. Make sure that you are seriously following your exercise daily. Try meditation if you cannot concentrate well. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Just sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Begin by inhaling and exhaling. Try to concentrate on your breathing. Focus your attention to your breathing until you feel your body relax. Just continue breathing for at least thirty minutes. This will help your concentration improve. Meditation is a very good exercise because it doesn't only improve concentration but it helps the body relax. Do not think of so many things at the same time. Try thinking of one thing at a time and concentrating on it for a long time before thinking of other things. If you are listening to someone, concentrate on what he is saying. Stop thinking of other things while you are listening because you cannot concentrate when your mind is wandering elsewhere. Improving concentration is an exercise and self-discipline. The only person who can improve it is you.

If you wear glassses should you take gymnastics?

Certainly. Getting some exercise will help you keep healthy and has also been proven to improve concentration and school results.