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Down syndrome occurs because of the extra chromosome on chromosome 21. If you go onto Google images and type in karyotype of Down syndrome, you will find a picture of the extra chromosome. Instead of having two chromosomes on chromosome 21, there is an extra.

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Chromosome 21. Syndrome also called trisomy 21.

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Q: Down syndrome is usually caused by an extra copy of what chromosome?
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What is Edwards' syndrome?

Edwards' syndrome is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 18

Is down syndrome a mutation?

Down Syndrome is caused by extra genetic material on Chromosome 21. About half of the children of people who have Down Syndrome are born with Down Syndrome themselves. See the Related Linksbelow to view an article about the genetics of Down Syndrome.

A person with Down syndrome has what type of chromosome abnormality?

Is caused by an extra number 21 chromosome.

What chromosomes do you get an extra copy for in humans that results in Down syndrome?

Down Syndrome is caused by a triplication of the 21st chromosome.

Is klinefelter's syndrome caused by a mutation?

No it is caused by the Non-Disjunction of sex Chromosomes. Males with Klinefelter's syndrome have an extra X chromosome.

Is Down syndrome a genetic disorder or a chromosome disorder?

Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder. It is caused by having 1 extra chromosome (chromosome 21).

Is down's syndrome caused by a gene or chromosomal mutation?

Neither. It is an extra #21 chromosome.

A congenital endocrine condition caused by the presence of an extra X chromosome is?

DOWNS Syndrome.

What is the difference between Edward's syndrome and Patau's syndrome?

in Patau there is an extra chromosome in chromosome 13, in Edwars it the extra chromosome is in chromosome 18

Can celexa cause down syndrome?

No, down syndrome is caused by a genetic defect where there is an extra chromosome in most,if not all, of the cells of a body. it is not caused by a drug.

Is the extra copy of Chromosome 21 that causes Down syndrome dominant or recessive?

Down syndrome is neither caused by dominant or recessive chromosomes it is simply caused by an error in the translation process of chromosome 21.

Does antibiotics cause down syndrom?

Down syndrome is not caused by a bacterial infection therefore the answer to your question is no. Down syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome in the cell nucleus.