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Dr. Green is telling Jane that what we say to ourselves is important and that they will work on that. He says it demands perfection, but even though that is the goal, he has not met anyone lately who has achieved that perfection.

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Q: Dr Green tells Jane We will focus on your selftalk because the words you tell yourself demand perfection I have not met anyone lately who achieves that with perfection as a goal you set yoursel?
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How do you put the word perfection in a sentence?

There is no such thing as perfection because nothing is perfect besides Jesus.

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Because he is Niall Horan!

Is it possible to love perfection?

Sure you can love perfection, but you will probably always be disappointed because perfection can be very subjective and there will always some imperfections you will pick out no matter how small that defect may be.

Can committing your life to reaching perfection be harmful to your health?

Yes, because it is not possible. Perfection does not exist in the natural world nor the physical world. Seeking something that does not exist or will ever exist, results in a waste of time. Not only that but you become self involved and narcissistic in your search because you cut yourself off from the duality of life that is some good and some bad, and you cut yourself off from people around you who may not measure up to your level of standards, it also cuts yourself off from helping those who may be less fortunate than you and you avoid because they are not perfect. If you can't live with the reality of life and instead to seek something that doesn't exist, you should have your head examined. Like unicorns, perfection is an illusion. Yes it can be harmful to your health, it suggests you are mentally ill, and it also suggests that you willing to put yourself in harm, or wear yourself out for something that doesn't exist.

Why do weneed to practice if nobody's perfect?

Because people are obsessed with perfection. Obsessed.

Why are you obsessed with One Direction?

Because One Direction is the exact definition of PERFECTION.

Is perfection achievable?

In this level of reality, our concepts of absolute perfection have an extremely low chance of occurring as you envision it. This is because we have an imperfect view of our reality. Also, true absolute perfection is beyond our ability to correctly or accurately comprehend. On the other hand, excellence or "good enough" perfection is certainly attainable with practice and dedication to doing your best.

Why is perfection important?

Perfection is often seen as important because it typically represents the highest level of achievement or quality. It can also bring a sense of satisfaction and pride in one's work. However, it's important to recognize that striving for perfection can sometimes lead to unrealistic expectations and hinder progress.

How does tom represent the American dream?

Tom achieves wealth and high social status in West Egg. Although he achieves wealth, he is an immoral character. Before the 1920s, Benjamin Franklin started the idea that the American Dream was the pursuit of moral perfection. Once technology took over America beginning in the 1920s, the idea of the American Dream was 'rags-riches' (poor to wealthy) because people became greedy. People focused less on morality and focused more on materialism. So in reality, I'd actually say Tom represents the corruption (or decline) of the American Dream.

Is it correct grammar to say too perfect?

Too perfect is incorrect because there are no degrees of perfection.

Why do we have different body shapes?

because no one is ever perfect This is because every one is unique in its own way and that implies to our body structure also. I disagree 100 %. I say we are all perfect!! We are all born with our very own special bodies and personalities that make us the individual that we are. Perfection lies in everyone of us! Love yourself- you are perfect!

Montresor achieves the kind of range he says he wants in the first paragraph?

In the first paragraph of "The Cask of Amontillado," Montresor states that he wants to achieve freedom from the burden of planning revenge. However, by the end of the story, it becomes clear that he achieves this freedom by luring Fortunato to his doom and executing his plan for revenge. Ultimately, Montresor achieves the range he desires by successfully carrying out his carefully orchestrated plot to exact revenge on Fortunato.