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morphine and methadone.

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Q: Drugs that cause constriction of the pupils begins with m?
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What drug can cause constriction of the pupils?

Prescription drugs that can cause the pupils to contract are drugs from the opioid family. Morphine and codeine-dionine drugs are in this group. Others are hydroxy-morphine, dinitrophenylmorphine, and benzylmorphine. These drugs are used as pain killers.

How do you get rid of dilated pupils?

If your pupils are dilated after a visit to an ophthalmologist, leave it be. It'll get back to normal in a couple hours. If not, and this is just for theoretical knowledge, drugs like atropine and hyoscine cause constriction of pupils.

Does Fentanyl cause pinpoint pupils?

Yes it does. But not to the extent that stronger opioids do. It is much weaker than oxycodone, morphine etc. Constriction of pupils is most common when somebody overdoses on tramadol.

What illegal drugs cause pinpoint pupils?

Listing them all would be time-consuming so lets put it this way. Drugs can cause a pupil to change in two ways by dilation making the pupil larger or constricting the pupils. Only two drugs constrict the pupils those being opiates and alcohol. So anything but, these can cause the pupils to dilate.

Can taking codeine cause constricted pupils?

Yes. Codiene, as an opiate can cause pupil constriction. This usually only happens at higher, recreational doses.

When is your pupil undilated?

Your pupils will expand as the light dims at twilight, or if in a darkish room. Becoming sexual excited or looking at pornography will also expand the pupils. Using drugs is another cause of expanding pupils, though some drugs will narrow the pupils.

Causes of pinpoint pupils?

Bright light (as one natural reason). Opiate based drugs and medications can cause pinpoint pupils.

If your pupils are tiny does it mean your on drugs?

Not necessarily. If you are in very bright lighting, your pupils will constrict to limit the amount of light allowed to enter your eye. This protects the retina from damage. Likewise, in very low light levels, your pupils will dilate (enlarge) in order to allow more light into the eye and improve vision. This is a normal process. However, there are a number of drugs that will cause the pupils to constrict, even to the point where they have a "pin-point" appearance. Opioid drugs (drugs derived from the poppy plant) such as opium, heroin, etc., will cause this pupillary constriction to the point of looking pin-point, even if exposed to low lighting levels. If a person is in normal lighting and has pin-point pupils, there is most likely something effecting this abnormal change.

Can steroids cause the pupils to dilate?

Can steroids cause pupils to dilate

Does cocaine cause constricted pupils?

No. It actually dilates them. Opiates (hydrocodone, heroin etc) constrict pupils.

What will happen to our eyes if you takes drugs?

Most drugs will dilate your pupils (make them larger). Marijuana will cause inflammation in the whites of the eyes and not likely cause dilation. PCP will cause floating pupils. Some will cause eyes not to respond to light (no change in pupils). There are other signs and you will need to look up signs of drugs to check. I do not do drugs but I sure do know my RX pills cause my pupils to get large. I take many a day. I have learned about others by looking it up due to having to help raise (as the father's girlfriend) an almost 16 yr old boy (in 10 days). P.S. - can never forget about the bloodshot eyes and the teary eyes. But that's only if you know the person has had enough sleep and has not had any problems that would cause the person to cry.

Which drug contracts pupil in the dark?

Several types of drugs can cause miosis, the abnormal constriction of the pupil. Among these drugs are opioids such as hydrocodone, heroin, etc.; cholinergics such as carbachol and muscarine; phencyclidine (PCP); GHB; and anti-psychotics.