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During depolarization, the extracellular Na+ ions diffuse into the cell. These Na+ ions stimulate the reversal of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger channel, thereby transporting 1Ca2+ ion intracellularly versus 3Na+ ions transported extracellularly. Ca2+ ions are also released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) storage - these too add to the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The intracellular Ca2+ causes contraction. Over time, the result is Ca2+ overload which ultimately leads to cell death. Thus, the concentration of extracellular Na+ is directly related to the Ca2+ overload of a human cell. The higher the concentration of extracellular Na+ influx, the greater the chance of Ca2+ overload and cell death.

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Potassium goes out of the cell, sodium goes into the cell. This is controlled by the Na+/K+-ATPase protein.

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Potassium ions

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Q: During depolarization what diffused into the cell?
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Sodium.A positive ion (cation) that enters the cell (influx) rapidly when the membrane threshold is reached and the voltage gated sodium channels open.This occurs during the rising phase of an action potential, i.e. membrane depolarization beyond the threshold for activation.

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The sodium potassium pump does not function during depolarization, but rather after repolarization. During repolarization, potassium ions flow out of the cell into the extracellular space to reestablish membrane polarity. What the sodium potassium exchange pump does is reestablish the initial ionic concentrations. It does this by exchanging three sodium ions inside the cell for every two potassium ions outside the cell.

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