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During primary elections, voters have the ability to choose who will run as their party's representatives in the next election. Primary elections are held for governmental posts at all levels, state, local, and federal.

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Q: During primary elections voters have the chance to choose who can be the candidate to run for their?
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How do parties select their candidate for president?

Political parties select their candidates for president after the primary elections. They go to their parties convention and cast votes for the person they think has a better chance to be elected.

Why is New Hampshire important in US elections?

The early primary elections, which rank multiple candidates in the same party, tend to 'weed out' those with no chance of winning a presidential election, and allowing the probable peospects to the top of the list. Since New Hampshire has the first primary (Iowa has caucuses - a little different) election leading to a presidential election, it is only the second public measurement of each candidate's presidential potential.

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The Democrats use primaries to choose their presidential candidate. They pick the candidate who has the best chance to win. The popular vote in Democratic primaries is altered by the appointment of "Super-Delegates". This has been a controversial part of their primary process.

Why we need election?

We need elections because they give us chance to choose a leader for ruling us and it is necessary to have elections during the period of 5 years as politicians some times are not able to fulfill our needs .Therefore, it is necessary to have elections with sufficient representatives .

Why do need election?

We need elections because they give us chance to choose a leader for ruling us and it is necessary to have elections during the period of 5 years as politicians some times are not able to fulfill our needs .Therefore, it is necessary to have elections with sufficient representatives .

What do free elections do for the US citizens?

It gives them a chance to vote

A republican party member cannot vote in a primary election for a democratic candidate?

Virginia does not have party registration. In Virginia a person can vote in one primary, republican or democrat, but not both. So a republican can vote in the democratic primary. Should you chose the democrat you most agree with or the one you think has the greatest chance of loosing to the republican is up to you.

How do minor parties play the spoiler role in elections?

Minor and Third parties play roles as spoiler by taking votes from a major candidate. If a third party member leans towards the republican party, then s/he may take votes from independents and moderates that may have otherwise voted for the republican candidate. This will result in the democratic candidate having a better chance of winning because votes for the republican party were split.

What if the American people all voted 'other' and no one got the majority vote?

Most US elections do not offer a default to "none of the above." For a Presidential election, if by some incredible chance no one voted for either candidate on Election Day, it would go to the House of Representatives (which would also decide a tie, or if no candidate achieved a majority of electoral votes).

Why is it important for political parties to choose a good leader as a candidate?

It is important for parties to choose a good leader as a candidate because they want their candidate to win. A good leader will have a better chance of beating the other candidate.

Why do we need elections?

We need elections because they give us chance to choose a leader for ruling us and it is necessary to have elections during the period of 5 years as politicians some times are not able to fulfill our needs .Therefore, it is necessary to have elections with sufficient representatives .

Which Republican Presidential candidate for 2008 has the best chance to win?

John McCain