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No, Baghdad preserved and further developed this work.

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Q: During the Dark Ages in Europe the scientific work of the ancient Greeks was preserved and further developed primarily by scholars in china?
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During the Dark Ages is Europe what scholars preserved and developed scholarly work?


What did Arab scholars preserve?

They preserved ancient scientific texts, plus Egyptian works etc

Where did the scholars take the ancient manuscripts and knowledge of the Byzantine culture?

Much was preserved by the Islamic medieval Islamic scholars.

Who introduced the scientific method?

The scientific method was developed over a few centuries, especially in the Renaissance. Galileo had a big part on developing it. Francis Bacon developed the scientific method.

Indian scholars developed the concept of zero?

Yes, they did.

In what three ways did scholars return to learning from the Greeks and Romans?

First, the artist and scholars a of Italy drew inspiration from the ruins of Rome that surrounded them. Second,Western scholars studied ancient Latin manuscripts that had been preserved in monasteries. Third, Christians scholars scholars in Constantinople fled to Rome with Greek Manuscripts when the Turks conquered Constantinople in 1423.

Indian scholars developed the concept of zero during the?

A+ Gupta

Where do scholars get information about animals that lived during prehistoric times?

Fossils and other naturally preserved parts of their bodies.

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Who is often with developing the fundamental elements of the scientific method?

Muslem scholars

In what ways did scholars return to learning from the Greeks and Romans'?

First, the artist and scholars a of Italy drew inspiration from the ruins of Rome that surrounded them. Second,Western scholars studied ancient Latin manuscripts that had been preserved in monasteries. Third, Christians scholars scholars in Constantinople fled to Rome with Greek Manuscripts when the Turks conquered Constantinople in 1423.

Indian scholars developed the concept of zero during the Empire about 320?

A+ Gupta