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First, the artist and scholars a of Italy drew inspiration from the ruins of Rome that surrounded them. Second,Western scholars studied ancient Latin manuscripts that had been preserved in monasteries. Third, Christians scholars scholars in Constantinople fled to Rome with Greek Manuscripts when the Turks conquered Constantinople in 1423.

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First, the artist and scholars a of Italy drew inspiration from the ruins of Rome that surrounded them. Second,Western scholars studied ancient Latin manuscripts that had been preserved in monasteries. Third, Christians scholars scholars in Constantinople fled to Rome with Greek Manuscripts when the Turks conquered Constantinople in 1423.

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Q: In what three ways did scholars return to learning from the Greeks and Romans?
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What actions did cicero ask Romans to take?

return power to the senate and bring order back to rome

Why didn't Romans want kings?

The initial government of Rome was actually a monarchy. This monarchy lasted for 244 years (753-509 BC) and there were seven kings of Rome. The last king was overthrown in a rebellion because he was a tyrant. The Romans established a republic which lasted for 482 years (509 BC-27 BC). This was followed by 503 years of rule by emperors (27 BC-476 AD) who were absolute rulers a bit like an absolute monarch.Throughout the Republican period the Romans did not want a king because to them it represented the return of tyranny. The republic was established to prevent the return of tyranny by establishing two annually elected consuls as heads of the Republic. This was designed to prevent power from becoming concentrated in the hands of one man, who could then become a tyrant.

Why did the Romans overthrow the Tarquins?

The Romans overthrew the Tarquins because the last king, Tarquinius Superbus was a tyrant. The rape of a noblewoman (Lucretia) by his son (Sextus Tarquinius) while he was besieging the city of Ardea led to a revolt. The Romans closed the city gates and Tarquinius could not get back in the city. The Romans decided to do away with the monarchy, instituted the republic and created two annually elected consuls as leaders of he city to ensure that power would not fall in the hands of a single man. They also swore that they would not allow anyone to become king ever again to prevent the return of tyranny.

What type of government did the roman empire set up in 509 B.C.?

The Romans set up a republic in 509 BC. However it did not have an empire for another two hundred years - it was just another city-state trying to survive in Italy against other competing states.

How did the Romans change their government after 200 years of harsh monarchic rule?

The Roman monarchy was not harsh. All the Roman kings, expert for the last one, who was a tyrant, were benign rulers. This king, Tarquinius Superbus, was deposed in a rebellion. The Romans decided to abolish the monarchy to prevent the return of tyranny. This was the purpose of the Roman Republic. The king was replaced by two annually elected consuls. Having two men in charge meant that they could counterbalance each other, The short term of office meant that no one could concentrate power in their hands.

Related questions

In what ways did scholars return to learning from the Greeks and Romans'?

First, the artist and scholars a of Italy drew inspiration from the ruins of Rome that surrounded them. Second,Western scholars studied ancient Latin manuscripts that had been preserved in monasteries. Third, Christians scholars scholars in Constantinople fled to Rome with Greek Manuscripts when the Turks conquered Constantinople in 1423.

How many years did the Greeks fight in troy?

The Greeks fought for 10 years in Troy. It took them another 10 years to return home

What was written on the side of the Trojan horse?

"For their return home the Greeks offer this to the goddess Athena."

What happened between 530 bc and 330 bc?

From 415 BC to 355 BC, the Greeks and the Romans were at war with each other. The Greeks finally were overtaken and the Roman Empire began.

What does Hektor swear to do with Achilleus's body if he dies?

Hektor swears to properly return Achilleus's body to the Greeks for burial if he dies in their duel.

Why was the renaissance more secular?

The Renaissance was more secular due to a shift towards humanism and a renewed focus on individual potential and achievement. This led to a questioning of traditional religious beliefs and an emphasis on human experience and knowledge. Additionally, the revival of classical Greek and Roman ideas during this period contributed to a more worldly outlook that valued the here and now over spiritual concerns.

What is somethings describing some of the ways the Romans adapted and adopted Greek culture to form Greco-Roman culture?

Just like how Hawaiians adopted English and American cultures and traditions, the Romans liked Greek culture and adaptability, and in return, the Greeks admired Rome's military power. It was most likely that some Greeks moved to Rome and some people copied some traditions.

What actions did cicero ask Romans to take?

return power to the senate and bring order back to rome

What are the eligin marbles?

Eligin Marbles are the statues that was made by Greeks but British took them by the promised that when the war is over, they'll return them.

What has the author Jim Pavlidis written?

Jim Pavlidis has written: 'Jim Pavlidis' -- subject(s): Portraits, Return migrants, Greeks

Which literary movement marked the return to the influence of the literature of ancient Romans empire during the enlightenment?

i dont know the answer I know the answer: Neoclassicism

The ancient Greeks read The Iliad and Odyssey in order to know?

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