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Q: During the French Revolution radicals
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Who was the leader of extreme radicals during the French Revolution?

Robespierre most often gets that ranking in the French Revolution.

Who were radicals in French revolution?

the Jacobin

What English groups were supportive of the French Revolution during its early years?

Both the Liberals and the Radicals

Who was NOT a French monarch beheaded during the French Revolution?

Dumbledore was not a french monarch and was not beheaded during the french revolution

Did people have rights during the french revolution?

Yes, people did have rights during the french revolution.

What was invented during the French Revolution?

The Guillotine was invented during the french revolution, i know coz i doing the french revolution at school now! :) >) HOPE IT HELPS!!

Emperor of France during the French Revolution?

France did not have an Emperor during the French Revolution, Napoleon became the Emperor of the French in 1804.

Why is napoleon significant with the french revolution?

I believe he was the leader of The French Army during the French Revolution.

French Revolution-Louis XIV?

No, the French Revolution was during the reign of Louis XVI.

Did The french revolution happen before the American Revolution?

The French Revolution happened during 1789-1799 and the American Revolution happened during 1775-1783. So the French Revolution happened before the American Revolution.

Who was being guillotined during the French Revolution?

Enemies of the Revolution.

What revolution was the metric system was devised during?

The French Revolution.