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There were more soldiers that died of disease during the US Civil War than battlefield related deaths. The Union suffered 110,000 battle deaths either killed in action (Kia) or mortally wounded, (MW) which means the soldier would die later because of his wounds. Soldiers that died from disease totalled 224,000.

The Confederacy had 94,000 KIA or Mortally Wounded and 164,000 deaths due to disease.

See the link below for more facts about casualties and comparisons between battles and other wars.

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Q: Did more soldiers of the civil war die of disease or got killed in battles?
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How did the people who died during the US Civil War get killed?

Soldiers in the US Civil War died mostly from disease and poor hospital care in hospitals. The remainder died during the many battles between the North and the South.

What disease killed the most soldiers during the Civil War?

Most of the common diseases that killed troops on both sides of the American Civil War include dysentery, malaria, pneumonia, measles, typhoid and tuberculosis. The worst out of the bunch was by far dysentery. This one disease accounted for around 45,000 deaths in the Union army and around 50,000 deaths in the Confederate army. The diseases that killed the soldiers were malaria and small pox.

What was the main cause of death in the Civil War?

The main cause of death in the US Civil War was disease because of the unsanitary conditions in hospitals used to care for wounded soldiers. One of the greatest killers was Dysentery, a disease that killed over 45,000 Union soldiers and 50,000 Confederate soldiers. It is estimated that two thirds of all deaths among US Civil War soldiers were due to various diseases.

What killed more men than fighting during the US Civil War?

Dysentery killed most soldiers in the Civil War.

How many southern soldiers died in the Civil War?

About 93 thousand were killed in action and another 150 thousand died of disease.

How many Union soiders died in the Civil War?

Around 360,000 Union soldiers died in the Civil War. About 123,000 were killed on the battlefield or died of wounds, and the rest died from disease. Diseases killed two soldiers on both sides for every one the enemy did.

What was a constant threat to soldiers in the civil war?

Disease. Remember this was before vaccinations against disease were created. More soldiers died from disease that died from bullets. Besides unsanitary living conditions, add bad food and bad water.

Why was it too deadly to fight battles in traditional military formation during the Civil War?

The new repeating rifle killed too many soldiers too quickly.

What was the main thing soldiers did in the civil war?

Wait around between battles.

Where did most battles often occur?

To pass the time, what did soldiers in the civil war do?

How important was disease in the Civil War?

Disease was a very important factor in the Civil War. It is said that disease killed more soldiers than wounds and bullets. Also, if disease wasn't so big, the Confederates would have a much better chance at winning the war. Disease took a large number of fatalities in the war.

What battles during the civil war produced the most killed?

I do not believe you kinow the answer