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Normally, women do not have periods or bleeding during pregnancy.

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Q: During the nine months do women still see their menstrual cycle?
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Can you still produce eggs if you have not had a menstrual cycle?

No you only produce eggs during your menstrual cycle

Can you still ovulate even though you do not have your menstrual cycle?

YES you can still ovulate without a menstrual cycle. Also you can still get pregnant without a period.

Do you still get a menstrual cycle when on the implanon?

The contraceptive implant prevents the normal menstrual cycle. Some women have irregular bleeding, and others have no bleeding at all.

When your menstrual cycle is occurring are you still protected when taking the 28 day pill?

Yes you are but intercourse during the menstrual period has a high risk of UTI or yeast infection if you don't use a condom.

Is a menstrual cycle of 45 days normal?

Yes, a 45 day cycle is still considered normal. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different and as such a longer cycle is perfectly normal.

Can an overdose of contraceptives stop your menstrual cycle for 2 months?

Yes, hormonal contraception stops your menstrual cycles - even if you stop use it will still take time for your cycles to regulate again. It's normal for cycles to be irregular for up to 12 months after you stop hormonal contraception.

Can a woman ovulate twice before her next period?

Yes, a woman can ovulate twice during her menstrual cycle but it would still be during the ovulation phase of her menstrual cycle. A woman cannot just randomly ovulate, her menstrual cycle controls when she ovulates - typically women will ovulate two weeks before menstruation.To correct a previous answer: Orgasm does not cause ovulation, that's not biologically possible.

Is a menstrual cycle of 33 days OK?

Yes, having a menstrual cycle of 33 days is completely okay. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, this is only a few days longer than that so still well within normal range.

When a woman stops her cycle can she still get pregnant?

No, if a woman has no menstrual cycle then she cannot get pregnant. The menstrual cycle includes ovulation, no ovulation means no pregnancy. This is how hormonal Birth Control such as the combination pill works, it suppresses the menstrual cycles in order to stop ovulation to prevent unintended pregnancy.

If you have a period can you still have an transvaginal ultrasound?

Yes, I was on my menstrual cycle. I informed the tech and he said that it could still be done.

Is cycle for 38days still normal?

Yes, this is still perfectly normal. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but this isn't true for everyone and 38 days is still normal and healthy.

I had my one and only depo shot 16 weeks ago. Still no period?

Going through the same thing. From what I've read it's normal. It can take months for you to regain a normal menstrual cycle.