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develop; organize

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1d ago

During the prewriting step of the writing process, you should generate ideas and then organize them. This involves brainstorming to gather thoughts, making outlines to structure your content, and identifying key points to focus on in your writing. The goal of prewriting is to lay a solid foundation for the writing task ahead.

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Q: During the prewriting step of the writing process you should ideas and then them?
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What should you do with new ideas during the drafting phase of writing?

During the drafting phase of writing, it's important to capture and incorporate new ideas that come to you. These ideas can enhance and enrich your text, so jot them down and figure out how they fit into your overall narrative or argument. It's best to keep an open mind and be flexible while incorporating new ideas during this phase.

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Writing an essay plan helps organize your thoughts, structure your arguments coherently, and ensure you address all key points. It also helps save time by providing a roadmap for your writing process, making it easier to stay focused and on track.

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An argument should present a clear point of view or claim supported by evidence and reasoning. It should anticipate and respond to counterarguments, showing why the claim is valid and persuasive. Ultimately, the goal is to convince the audience of the validity of the argument.

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By ages 12-16, fine motor skills are well developed. Tasks requiring precision and dexterity, such as writing, drawing, playing musical instruments, and using tools, should be accomplished with ease. Continued practice and engagement in activities that challenge fine motor skills can help maintain and further improve these abilities during this period.

True or false in a rough draft you should focus on your ideas not on the mechanics of writing?

True. In a rough draft, it's best to focus on getting your ideas down on paper without worrying too much about grammar or writing mechanics. The goal is to get your thoughts out before refining and editing them in later drafts.