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Q: During times of forced breathing what muscles join in to aid respiratory effort?
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What is a good cardio-respiratory workout?

Cardio respiratory exercise means involving mainly ur breathing partern and lessen the effort to breath easily.. The best n the simple most cardio respiratory exercise for me has been jogging at a normal pace.. Includes mostly all your muscles and above all ones respiratory system.

What are physical activities that will maintain and improve your cardio respiratory endurance?

Cardio respiratory exercise means involving mainly ur breathing partern and lessen the effort to breath easily.. The best n the simple most cardio respiratory exercise for me has been jogging at a normal pace.. Includes mostly all your muscles and above all ones respiratory system.

Why does it hurt when you breathe out and not in?

Depends on the cause of the pain, but if the pain is from overexertion from intense physical activity, may be due to the muscles involved in respiration. The intercostal muscles between the ribs, and diaphragmatic muscles, both expand and are placed under greater stress during inhalation. Upon exhalation, the release of air allows these muscles to relax without effort, being usually a passive part of the breathing cycle.

Respiratory effort usauly exhibited by patients with cerebral brain damage is called?

Cheyne-Stokes respiration. It is a pattern of breathing characterized by alternating periods of deep, rapid breathing followed by periods of shallow, slow breathing or even temporary cessation of breathing. This respiratory pattern is typically observed in patients with severe brain damage or neurological disorders affecting the brainstem.

Which body parts provide the effort when bones act like levers?

The muscles would provide the extra effort because the muscles are like extra foundations moving your body around.

Can alcohol cause Asthma?

Asthma occurs often because of certain "triggers". Each person's triggers differ but can include just about anything, such as dust, smells, fumes, good-smelling aromas like cooking smells or perfumes, etc. Asthma occurs because of inflammation and irritation in the lungs, thus causing less lung expansion and impaired oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange. Asthma can also cause reduced respiratory effort-- the muscular part of breathing-- so that breathing is more shallow. Since alcohol acts as a respiratory depressant in the way it acts on the brain, just like prescription or street drugs can cause, ingestion of alcohol can trigger an asthma attack due to reducing the respiratory effort and depressing the brain's respiratory center.

What does voluntary muscle mean?

Voluntary muscles are those muscles that can be moved by the conscious effort and the will of an individual.

Are skeletal muscles involuntary and do not move with bones?

No. The opposite is true.A skeletal muscle links two bones across it's connecting joint. The skeletal muscles do move your bones, by contracting or shortening. But these muscles are consciously moved. Involuntary muscles (heart, digestive, eye focus) are controlled by the brain stem without your conscious effort, although some activities (such as breathing or blinking) can be done consciously as well.

Why does hypnic myoclonia occur?

Sometimes, the brain misinterprets the changes in the body as it falls asleep (lowered temperature, relaxing of muscles, slowed breathing) as the beginning of death. Hypnic myoclonia is used as a survival mechanism in an effort to revive the body.

What supplies the effort or input force when the body moves?


Muscles move without conscious control are what?

Involuntary muscles move without conscious effort - the heart, for example.

What are the 3 parts to a pediatric assessment?

Airway Circulation Breathing / Respiration effort