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metapase 1

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Q: During what phase do homologous chromosomes line up side by side?
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What homologous pairs of chromosomes line up in the middle of the spindle during meiosis name the phase one or two?

During Metaphase 1 the homologous pairs of chromosomes line up at the center of the cell. They arrange around the spindle during meiosis.

What happens in meiosis during phase 1?

The homologous pairs of chromosomes line up together forming tetrads. During this time, chromatids from the homologous chromosomes cross over and exchange segments so that each chromatid contains both maternal and paternal DNA.

During what phase of meiosis do replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator-?

It is during the anaphase of meiosis that the replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator.

What phase does chromatids line up along the equater?

Metaphase II In Metaphase I, the tetrads of homologous chromosomes line up along the equator, but they are not individual chromosomes.

In what phase of meiosis does chromosomes line up along equator not in homologous pairs?


Which phase involves the chromosomes lining up along the equator of the cell?

Metaphase 1 is the phase of mitosis when the chromosomes line up along the equator. Homologous chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell, then spindle fibers attach onto the homologous chromosome.

How do the chromosomes line up in meiosis1?

In meiosis 1 homologous chromosomes line up for pairing

Which event occurs during metaphase?

chromosomes migrate to equator of the spindle apparatus

Homologous chromosomes pair and undergo crossing over during?

Paired homologous chromosomes are found at the spindle equator during metaphase. During metaphase the chromosomes line up on the plate and attach to the fully formed spindle.

What do you call the imaginary line that chromosomes line up at during meta phase?

The metaphase plate.

Which phase of the cycle is shortest?

Metaphase is the shortest. During this phase, chromosomes line up on the equilateral plate.

What do homologous chromosomes do in prophase 1?

Homologous chromosomes do not pair during mitosis. they only pair in meiosis to form tetrads.