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Q: During which presidents administration was the US completely debt free?
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What was the national debt during Bush administration?

During the Bush administration, the national debt increased significantly. When George W. Bush took office in January 2001, the national debt was around $5.7 trillion, and by the time he left office in January 2009, it had increased to over $10.6 trillion.

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Ottoman Public Debt Administration was created in 1881.

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Andrew W. Mellon

Who is the Secretary of Treasurer who cut the national debt by about one third during the Harding Administration?

andrew mellon andrew mellon

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The debt has grown about 25% during President Obama's administration, due mainly to the recession, the Bush tax cuts and two wars which Obama inherited.

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Which statement is falseThe national debt dropped significantly during the Reagan years?

The national debt dropped significantly during the Reagan years.

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reduce the national debt,?

What effect did the national debt have on France?

NOTHING the national debt was completely irrelevant.

Did Clinton help get out of debt?

I am not sure what you want to know. There was one 12-month period during Clinton's administration in which the US government took in more money than it spent. I do not believe that the surplus was used to pay down the national debt.

Did Clinton ever attain zero debt?

Yes, the United States had a surplus under Clinton. No -- the answer above confuses the "debt" with "annual deficit." Yes, Clinton ran an annual budget surplus during certain years of his administration, but no, he did not attain "zero debt." That term refers to the accumulated debt of the U. S. since the 18th century, and Clinton added somewhere between $1.6 trillion and $2 trillion to the debt between 1992 and 2000. For comparative purposes, during the 12 years of the Reagan and first Bush administrations, about $3.2 trillion was added to the debt, and during the 8 years of the George W. Bush administration, about $4.4 trillion was added. -Tedwin223 Improved answer. Actually Bill Clinton gave us a Surplus, giving us SPENDING MONEY! When Bush came into office we plunged into debt and got a trillion dollar deficit.

Is the economy in a mess?

Completely, we are completely in debt to china and our government continues to send our tax dollars to things that can be dealt with after our debt is paid off. All the debt that we leave behind will be left to our children, leaving them no future.