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Q: Effect of radiation on proteins present in food?
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What enzyme is in the stomach?

The enzyme present in the stomach is pepsin. It breaks down the proteins in food while in your stomach and helps with the digestive process.

If biuret reagent turns purple what substance is present?

food that has protein like milk will cause the Biuret solution to turn purple.

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Are micro waves dangerous?

It's a controversial question. In my opinion, yes. Microwaves heat food through radiation, which not only denatures the proteins and scrambles the DNA of your food, but also leaves trace amounts of radiation behind. This is one of those things that's probably okay once in a while, but daily for the rest of your life is pretty dangerous. Many people think the radiation is so minute that it's harmless. My thinking is, if you can avoid radiation, no matter how minute, do so.

Why do various food proteins have different nutritional value?

Why do various food proteins have different nutritional values?

What is an example of harmless proteins?

All the proteins in the human body are harmless. The protein which may be look harmless may cause deleterious effect when injected directly into our blood. This is because the engulfed proteins in food are digested by our digestive system since they are not harmful. But the same may not true if injected.

How do cells get the proteins the need from food?

enzymes break down food proteins into smaller molecules that can be carried by blood

What is the effect of the saliva on starch?

It partially brakes down the starch in food to form simple sugars through the enzyme present in it.

Are proteins food?

The food you take in contains a number of proteins. They are essentials in your diet. Meat, leafy vegetables are rich in proteins. Proteins are also synthesised in our body by the aminoacids which forms chains with others to form polypeptides which in turn produces proteins .

What are good forms of radiation?

Radiation helps us cook our food!!

What does it mean for a product to have been pasteurized?

This means that the food has been treated in some manner to kill pathogens that may be present in it. This can be done with heat, chemicals, radiation, or pressure.