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Q: Effects of tar and carcinogens on gaseous exchange surface?
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Related questions

What is 'gaseous exchange'?

Gaseous exchange is the movement of oxygen in the body, it takes place in the lungs through diffusion by the alveolar surface. There are millions of alveloi in the lungs, which gives it around 70m2 of exchange surface.

What is the function of a guard?

To increase the surface area for gaseous exchange.

What organ does oxygen pass from into the capillaries?

I believe its the alveoli in the lungs. These alveoli provide a large surface area for gaseous exchange.

Name the respiratory surface in the lungs?

Respiratory surface is the region where gaseous exchange occur. It includes respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct and alveolus. Large surface surface is needed the increase the diffusion rate of gaseous. Respiratory surface also exhibit other properties such as moist and only one-cell thick. Nika G.

Why are sponge lungs better than hollow lungs?

Because they have a greater surface area over which gaseous exchange can take place.

Which does not have surface?

Gaseous state does not have surface.

How do the structures of the alveoli and capillaries support the function of gas exchange?

Alveoli are found within the lungs. The alveoli act as a specialised gaseous exchange surface in mammals. Another function of alveoli is the production of surfactant.

Why must all respiratory system have a large surface area over which air can pass?

You have barile? Lungs have hierarchical structure which minimizes volume but maximises surface area Aveoli are the smallest units of structure and are the site of gaseous exchange: - They are circular = max surface area for min volume - Their most surfaces faciliate the exchange of gases - They have extensive blood supply which also faciliate the exchange

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What is the stomata for?

Stomata is a tiny opening or pore, found mostly on the under-surface of a plant leaf. It is responsible for gaseous exchange between the leaves of plants and the environment.

Does Venus have a rocky surface or a gas surface?

Rocky surface but very gaseous atmosphere.

Is Pluto's surface gaseous?

No, Pluto's surface is solid nitrogen ice.