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An element is a substance formed from only one type of atoms (including isotopes).
A molecule is formed from two or more chemical elements.
A compound is practically equivalent to a molecule.
A mixture contain two or more compounds.

Note that the definition of the word substance is not very clear and a generally accepted definition doesn't exist. A substance can be also an element, a compound or a mixture. After my opinion the term substance may be used only as an equivalent for element or chemical compound.

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Q: Elements Molecules Compounds and Mixtures are substances?
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How are elements atoms molecules chemical bonds compounds mixtures and substances related?

Elements and atoms are mainly the same. Molecules are made up of atoms and chemical bonds are bonds that combine the atoms together to make molecules. Compounds are just about the same as molecules only are made up of molecules like how molecules are made of atoms. Substances can relate to anything, and mixtures are many compounds and molecules mixed together.

Substances are divided into two classes?

Some people divide matter into pure substances and mixtures. Pure substances are elements and compounds. Mixtures include homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. Some people divide matter into homogeneous matter and heterogeneous matter. Homogeneous matter includes pure substances and homogeneous mixtures (solutions). Heterogeneous matter is heterogeneous mixtures.

What is the overall definition that includes mixtures compounds and elements?

Substances that are tha building blocks of matter

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There Are No Other Elements or Compounds And Mixtures

Are eggs compounds or element or mixtures?

Eggs would be considered a mixture. They are not elements themselves and they are not chemical compounds, but they are a mixture of various substances.

Are helium and gold examples of pure substances or mixtures?

They are actually elements so that is pure substances. Mixtures are more than one type of element that are in the same space but not touching. Compounds are like mixtures but they are touching.

How do the parts of an atom combine to form compounds and mixtures?

It's not the atoms that change, it is the molecules... In short, the molecules(elements) can share, give, or take electrons from other molecules(elements).

What differences are there between compounds and mixtures?

Elements and compounds are pure substances. They cannot be broken down further by physical and/or chemical means. Mixtures, on the other hand, are physical combinations of pure substances . A compound is when two or more different types of elements are chemically bonded but a mixture is when there is different types of elements that is not chemically bonded but physically bonded.

Are compounds and elements mixtures?

No they are not.

What substances are compounds?

Mixtures contain two or more compounds.

Are potato chips a compound mixture or element?

Potato chips, and other foods, are mixtures of compounds. Foods are made of a large variety of molecules composing the sugars, starches, salts, and liquids in them. The elements are there, of course, combining to make up the molecules, but foods are not simple elemental substances.

What are pure substances solutions homogeneous mixtures colloids or compounds?

Compounds and solutions are pure substances