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Q: Energy flow in ecosystems answers
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How is the carbon cycle realted to energy flow in ecosystems?


How is the movement of matter through the biosphere difference from the flow of energy?

Unlike the one way flow of energy, matter is recycled within and between ecosystems.

Is true about the flow of energy within ecosystems?

Energy flows both ways between living systems and the physical environment.

What are the key topics for how does the flow of energy sustain life on earth?

food pyramids,ecosystems,symbiosis,etc.

List the types of organisms that energy flows through in an ecosystem?

When it comes to the flow of energy in ecosystems there are two types of organisms: producers and consumers.

Why does energy flow through an ecosystem rather than be recycled in it?

All energy comes from the sun, and that the ultimate fate of all energy in ecosystems is to be lost as heat. Energy does not recycle!! since the energy is not returned to the sun.

How is the movement if matter through the biosphere different from the flow of energy?

Unlike the one way flow of energy, matter is recycled within and between ecosystems.

How does the way that matter flows through an ecosystem different from the way that energy flows?

Unlike the one way flow of energy, matter is recycled within and between ecosystems.

What is the ultimate source of energy for ecosystems?

The sun is the ultimate source of energy for almost all earth ecosystems.

Explain the importance of autotrophic organisms with respect to energy flow and nutrient cycling in ecosystems?

They use things such as sunlight to create their own food. (photosynthesis)

How is the carbon cycle related to energy flow in the ecosystems?

Carbon is the medium for energy flow within ecosystems. For instance, carbon dioxide exists within the air. Plants use energy from the sun to separate the carbon and the oxygen. The carbon is used to construct the plant and the oxygen is released into the air. An animal will then breath the oxygen and eat the plant. The animal will then combine the oxygen and carbon to recreate carbon dioxide and will use the energy that is given off to move or perform physical actions. It is a constant cycle that occurs within ecosystems. The sunlight is the source of the energy, and carbon allows the energy to be utilized by plants, then animals and then plants again (with more sunlight).

Why do you have ecosystems?

We have ecosystems to live. Ecosystems give us energy,oxygen and many other things. Earth is the only planet which have ecosystems.