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7 g of 235U is equivalent to approx. 20 t coal. For 1 kg of 235U - approx. 3 000 t coal.

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Q: Energy obtained by breaking up 1 kg of uranium is equal to the energy obtained from burning threee million kg of coal?
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Are uranium and plutonium easily obtained?

Uranium is not easily obtained; and the technology of plutonium is extremely difficult.

What is uranium's shape?

Being a metal uranium can be obtained in any shape desired.

Who discovered uranium and what was the date?

Martin Heinrich Klaproth obtained the oxide of uranium - U3O8 in 1789; but the pure element was obtained in 1841 by Eugene-Melchior Peligot.

How much coal has to be burned to equal the potential energy obtained by breaking one pellet of uranium?

Depends on the size of your pellet. 1 kg of Uranium235 is equivalent to 1500 tonnes of coal.

How do you make uranium on alchemy classic?

Uranium as a pure metallic element was obtained after the alchemic period; alchemists don't know uranium.

How is polonium obtained?

The first time polonium was obtained by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, separating polonium from uranium ores. Now polonium is obtained by nuclear reactions.

What was polonium obtained from?

In the past polonium was obtained from the residues of uranium ores, after extraction of uranium.Now polonium is obtained only by nuclear reactions.

Where can yellowcake uranium be obtained by a private individual?

Legally impossible.

Which is the only state of India from where uranium is obtained?

This state is Jharkhand.

What is the word obtained after unscrambling the word iarmuun?

The anagram is "uranium."

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Uranium dudes

What year was uranium found in?

Uranium was discovered But as mineral) in 1789 by Klaproth.In 1841 Peligot obtained the pure metal.