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Q: What element is obtained through the decay of radium?
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Which mineral is radium obtained?

pitchblende was the first, but any good uranium ore will do as it is a daughter element of uranium's decay.

What is found in the element radium?

Radium is an element; it has no sub-parts. Radium is a radioactive element, so it will slowly and spontaneously decay into other elements.

What is the Origin of the element radium?

Uranium decay chains

What element does thorium 230 decay when it emits an alpha particle?

This isotope is radium-226.

What is a hazard for radium?

Radium is a radioactive chemical element, very dangerous, an alpha radiations emitter; radium is also a source of radon, by decay - radon (gas) is also a radioactive element.

How does radium harm you?

Radium is a radioactive chemical element, very dangerous, an alpha radiations emitter; radium is also a source of radon, by decay - also radioactive and dangerous gas.

What is given off by radioactive elements such as radium and Plutonium?

From these isotopes decay products are obtained and also ionizing radiations.

When thorium decays by producing an alpha praticle the product nuclide is?

The decay of thorium by alpha decay the resultant nuclide is the element radium. The specific nuclide of radium cannot be determined unless we know which specific nuclide of thorium underwent alpha decay.

What is the beta decay of radium 226?

Radium-226 does not decay by beta decay. It decays by alpha decay to radon-222.

Is Radon a planet?

Nope, but it is a colorless, radioactive, inert gaseous element formed by the radioactive decay of radium.

What other element is connected to polonium and radium?

Polonium and radium isotopes exist in the decay chains of Th-232, U-233, U-235, U-238.

What element does radium become once it has decayed?

Radium undergoes radioactive decay, specifically alpha decay, to become radon. Radium-226 (226Ra) will undergo alpha decay releasing that alpha particle, which is a helium-4 nucleus, to become radon-222 (222Rn).