

English language in the Multil -Language nation?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: English language in the Multil -Language nation?
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Where English is the main language in the south American nation?

English is the main language in Guyana, which is a South American nation located on the northeastern coast of the continent.

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The English words 'our nation' is said as "eshialo shiefuu" in Abaluhya language.

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Language spelt in Fiji is language. Please keep in mind that Fiji is an English speaking island nation. Thankyou.

What is the average English as a second language salary?

If you have English as a second language salary its not a bad idea since this language is quite common and a powerful nation in the world. This language is good to know in order to make some money.

Which nation does not have English as a national language?

Most of them, France, Italy, Germany

Is Nigeria a nation with a national language or does it use a lingua franca?

English is the official language of Nigeria, and it also functions as a lingua franca. Nigeria has no national language.

When did English become the language of the US?

English became the official language of the United States through the adoption of the English language in the 18th century when the nation gained independence. Additionally, the first English settlers in the early 17th century established English as the predominant language in the American colonies.

What are the importance of English in both oral and written communication?

English is an official language of many countries, and it is one of the official language of the United Nation. Both oral and written competence in the English language is related the inheritance of the knowledge and culture shared in English around the world.

Does nation mean country?

The words nation and country can be used interchangeably and are synonyms. There are thousands of synonyms in the English language.

Main language in Hawaii?

English is spoken there because it is a part of the United States, but the original Native language is Hawaiian and a few people still speak it.

Why is English the language of the us?

English is the predominant language in the US due to historical reasons stemming from the colonization of North America by the English. Over time, English became the primary language for communication, government, and commerce in the US. Additionally, the establishment of the United States as an independent nation further solidified English as the national language.

What country in South America has English as its oficcial language?

Guyana, a small nation on the northern coast of South America, is the only South American country that declares English as its official language.