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Q: Even though british politicians and King Henry III thought they might have to send british soldiers to Boston to enforce the townshend acts they never had to send the soldiers?
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Even though British politicians and King Henry III thought they might have to send British soldiers to Boston to enforce the Townshend Acts they never had to send the soldiers.?


Did king Henry III send british soldiers to enforce townshend acts?

King Henry II did send British soldiers to enforce the Townshend Acts in the colonies. These soldiers were provided with blank search warrants which allowed them to search all types of buildings in an effort to enforce these acts.

Did King Henry III send british soldiers to enforce the Townshend Acts?


Why were the Redcoats sent to Boston?

to help officials enforce the Townshend Acts or a series of laws passed by the British Parliament.

Why are there so many British soldiers in Massachusetts and the other companies?

In October 1768, British troops landed in Boston to enforce the Townshend duties (taxes on paint, paper, tea, etc., passed in June 1767) and clamp down on local radicals. The troops' presence doesn't sit well with locals and leads to street fights. One clash between soldiers and a mob in March 1770 will leave five dead. Radicals will call it the Boston Massacre, while the British will call it the incident on King Street. It was essentially to enforce the Townshend Duties, a controversial tax imposed on the colonies during the political strife prior to armed rebellion.

How did Townshend plan to enforce new taxes?

Townshend planned to enforce the new taxes with the Commissioners of Customs Act of 1767, which established the American Board of Customs Commissioners.

How did Townshend plan to enforce his new taxes?

By sending a board of five commissioners to reside in the colonies (:

Why were british trooops sent to Boston?

To enforce the Townshend Act(s): tariffs and taxation on the new colonies and to punish prior insubordinate activities committed by the colonial state and city governments.

What did the law prevent the colonist from doing until they obeyed the law of the Quartering Act?

They had to house and provide food and care for the British soldiers that had taken post in the colonies to enforce British rule.

Why did the British leave 10000 soldiers in America after the end of the French and Indian War?

The cost of the British involvement in North America soon turned into burden a burden for the colonists. To enforce the Proclamation of 1763, King George III left 10,000 soldiers in America.

When did the towshend act happen?

The Townshend Act enabled Great Britain to get more taxes out of the American colonists. This started in 1867, and more taxes were added over a few years. The resulting tax on tea was too much for the colonists to take, and the Boston Teaparty was the result, causing the British King to send English soldiers to America to enforce tax collection.

What was the opinion of the Boston public?

The Boston Massacre was the killing of five colonists by British soldiers on March 5, 1770. It was the culmination of civilian-military tensions that had been growing since royal troops first appeared in Massachusetts in October 1768 to enforce the heavy tax burden imposed by the Townshend Acts. The British were acquited of any wrong doing having no Bostonians in the jury. This rose the tensions towards the British troops. In six more years the nation became independent.