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Main points of the big bang:

  1. Everything started from one small point in space billions of years ago. This tiny space is thought to be smaller than a mm and had all the elements in it. Then there was a big explosion.
  2. This explosion caused and is still causing the Universe to constantly expand - galaxies are moving further away from each other.

Some evidence for the big bang theory:

Red shift - When wavelength increases and causes light to move towards the red end of the spectrum. The further away an object the greater the red shift.

When you look at objects that contain various elements they absorb certain wavelengths of light in the spectrum; these show as black lines. If you look at a similar object in space that is further away the 'black lines' move towards the red end of the spectrum.

This supports point 1. If you tracked the galaxies back in time they would all go to that point.

CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) - was created as high energy gamma radiation just after the big bang. It has been traveling through space since then. As the Universe has expanded, it stretched out to longer and longer wavelengths and is now microwave radiation. It is thought to be the left over heat - a bit like an 'echo' of the big bang.

This supports point 2.

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