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I personally believe it was far to harsh, but as for evidence for the other side:

- It didn't keep Germany from going against it

- It didn't crack down on Bulgaria at all

- Germany didn't lose much African territory

- It didn't put a military occupation in Germany.

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Q: Evidence to say the Treaty of Versailles wasn't harsh enough?
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What treaty imposed a harsh peace on germany after the Great War?

Treaty of Versailles

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The terms of peace laid out by the Versailles Treaty were actually plans to decimate the German military and economy.

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it's the treaty of Versailles and its a peace treaty

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Why were German people not prepared to accept the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

The terms of peace laid out by the Versailles Treaty were actually plans to decimate the German military and economy.

Why were the German people not prepared to accept the harsh peace of the Versailles Treaty?

The terms of peace laid out by the Versailles Treaty were actually plans to decimate the German military and economy.

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