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sana may sumagot neto assignment ko toh ee.. go earist crim 1-3 tahahahaha -dave

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Q: Evolution of early policing system in the Philippines?
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The early childhood education system in the Philippines traces its roots back to the Spanish colonization era when religious orders established schools for indigenous children. However, it wasn't until the American period in the early 1900s that modern methods of early childhood education were introduced through the system of public education.

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Is similarities an early development not evidence for evolution?

It does hint at common ancestry so it is "evidence" of evolution.

Early beginnings of art in the Philippines?

Most forms of art in the Philippines, such as dance, weaving and pottery have been around since early native times. However, painting wasn't introduced in the Philippines until early 16th century.

The Early beginning of Art in the Philippines?

The early art of the Philippines can be seen in most art museums. The art of Zobel can be seen in the Ayala museum.

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