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I'm sorry.

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Q: Example of expressing apology
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Related questions

Is an apology an abstract noun?

Yes, apology is an abstract noun, a word for an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault. The apology isn't the words spoken or written, it's the intent of the words that constitutes an apology.

What is the definition of apologized?

a·pol·o·gy [ə pólləjee] (plurala·pol·o·gies) nstatement expressing remorse: a written or spoken statement expressing remorse for something inferior example:an inferior or bad example of something (humorous) example:I can't work in this apology for an office!formal justification: a formal defense or justification of something a·pol·o·gy [ə pólləjee] (plurala·pol·o·gies) nstatement expressing remorse: a written or spoken statement expressing remorse for something inferior example:an inferior or bad example of something (humorous) example:I can't work in this apology for an office!formal justification: a formal defense or justification of something

How do you write apology?

That is the correct spelling of the phrase "my apologies", normally used in the context "you have my apologies" (expressing remorse). (see the related question)

What is the noun of apology?

The word 'apology' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an expression of regret; a word for a poor substitute. example: He sent an apology for missing the meeting.

Why the chief elder gave the society an apology?

For making a mistake and skipping Jonas at the Ceremony of Twelve. She also apologized for expressing Jonas with embarrassment and singling him out.

What is the example of expressing apologizing?

I am sorry to hear it

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Why wouldn't someone accept my apology?

Sometimes things are too serious for an apology. For example, if I bullied you for months, it is too serious for you to accept my apology. Sometimes the passage of time reduces the emotional aspect enough to settle things amicably.

What is contrast between sorry and apologize?

Sorry is an expression of regret or sorrow at a loss over something done while an apology refers to a written formal letter expressing your regret at a mistake done.

What is Pseudo-apology?

false/fake apology

What is a example of a sound bite?

A brief clip of a candidate expressing his or her views

What is an example of a sound bite?

A brief clip of a candidate expressing his or her views