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Cacophony in language refers to discordant sounds put together, making a sentence hard to hear or say. Many tongue twisters are examples of cacophony.

"She sells sea shells by the sea shore."

Cacophony is also used in poetry by putting together harsh sounds to create a certain effect.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"

-Lewis Carroll, "Jabberwocky"

Try saying either of the above examples out loud to get the full effect.

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What is an example sentence with the word cacophony?

what is that Cacophony? cacophony means harsh sounds!

A sentence with cacophony?

The flock of crows cawing make a cacophony.

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When was Cacophony - band - created?

Cacophony - band - was created in 1986.

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Cacophony - band - ended in 1989.

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Cacophony - album - was created in 1987.

Pronunciation of cacophony?

Listen here...

What is a cacophony?

The orchestra's initial cacophony became the introduction of the song.

What does concofany mean?

Cacophony is the correct spelling

Examples of cacophony?

1. The jumble of multi-colored toys, stuffed animals crammed here and there, and helter-skelter stacks of books made the wall of shelves roar with deafening visual cacophony. Yet the room was eerily silent. (T. Reed. 08.16.12) 2. Breakers crashed onto jagged rocks and clawed the sands with brutal strikes, pummeling the beach. 3. In my class we have to find real world examples of cacophony and; the cacophony produced by city traffic at midday is a perfect real world example.