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Q: Examples of food chains in a tropical rainforest?
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What are some food chains in the tropical rainforest?

monkeys snakes poisoin An other one is starting from GRASS then INSECTS then BIRDS then Lynx

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food webs and food chains are hard to find for the tropical Savannah trust me I've tried

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Tropical rainforest food

What is an example of a food chain in tropical rainforest?

The tropical rainforest food chain has four levels. The four levels are the primary producers, the primary consumers, secondary consumers and the tertiary consumers.

An animal food chain in the tropical rainforest?

Plant eats ant

A food chain from a tropical rainforest?

bananas, monkeys,snakes,fungi

What type of food people eat in the Tropical Rainforest mdfk?


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What type of food can be enjoyed at the tropical rainforest?

what type of food can be enjoyed at the tropical rainforest? yes that is my question why dont you answer it idiot why am i the one getting blamed for this well yo changeded it, idiot, so what was the correct answer before you deleted it...huh

What would happen if a platypus lived in a tropical rainforest?

Platypuses do live in the tropical rainforest. This is one of their natural habitats. Tropical rainforest is perfect for the platypus as it provides clear, running creeks and rivers for food and shelter, and plenty of tree cover when platypuses come out and rest on rocks and boulders.