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Q: Excess dietary protein is stored as protein in the liver and muscle is this true or false?
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What happens if you consume excess protein?

If individuals consume protein in excess of the amount needed, the extra protein will not be stored as protein. It will convert to fat and stored as fat.

What happens to unused protein?

The body does not store excess protein as protein; just like any calories beyond the body's daily requirements, extra gets used as energy or stored as fat or muscle glycogen. Eating eggs or chicken is not what causes increased muscle development. What stimulates growth is the high intensity exercising that challenges the body and then requires repair. Protein simply provides our bodies with the essential amino acids, or building blocks needed to build lean muscle. First dietary protein goes towards maintaining muscle tissue mass and a range of other body functions. But if more is eaten than is needed, it too is converted to fat and stored.

What is metabolism of surplus dietary fat?

Excess fat is almost all stored

How is excess sugar stored within muscle fibers?

It is stored as GLYCOGEN, not glucose.

If you are interested in taking whey protein but you do not work out too often would you still gain muscle and lose fat?

No, you will not. Increasing your protein intake helps you build muscle bulk, not lose fats. Proteins are not stored in the body the way carbs are. So once you take proteins, you either build muscle with it, or it goes out the other end in your urine. NO pain, no gain. You gotta work for it, if you really want it. It's true that proteins are only used to build muscle, when muscle needs to be repaired. But excess protein can be converted to glucose. excess glucose can be stored as fat.

How is excess protein stored?

If proteins are not used for growth repair and making new cells it may be respired to provide energy

What is feature the metabolism of surplus dietary fat?

Excess fat is almost all stored

Calories consumed in excess of requirements are stored in tissue called?

stored as glycogen in skeletal muscle

How the protein stored in the body?

I don't think they are stored. Obviously they are used to make structures such as muscle. If there is a dietary shortage of protein muscle can be broken down to provide amino acids. I have been told that small amounts of muscle tissue may break down in the short period of overnight fasting, and that this has encouraged dieticians to stress the importance of breakfast. I cannot give references for this and frankly consider it should be treated with caution.

Does eating sweet things a lot help to build muscle?

Excess carbohydrates, including sugar, will be stored as fat in the human body. The most effective types of food to help build muscle are those with ample amounts of protein.

Where are excess nutrients stored in the body?

Excess nutrients are stored as fat and glycogen. There is no storage form of a similar nature for protein, but fasting mobilizes amino acids from muscle that would later be replenished or rebuilt over time. Similarly bone will leach calcium and minerals but that deficit creates a 'debt' to those tissues that the body will try to repay when concentrations of precursors rise again.

When protein consumption is in excess of body needs and energy needs are met the excess amino acids are metabolized and the energy in the molecule is what?

Our bodies cannot store excess protein once it is consumed, so the excess amino acids are converted to carbon skeletons that are turned into glucose or fat and then stored as fat or metabolized for energy needs. **stored as glycogen & fat** jmata~