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A pair of contractile vacuoles.

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Q: Excess water is pumped out of a paramecium by means of?
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A paramecium eliminates excess water by means of?

Contractile vacoule

How does a unicellular paramecium get rid of its excess water is energy used?

water is pumped out of the cell through the contractile Vacuoles embedded in the plasma membrane!!!! -Answered by stefan alfonsi!

What removes excess water in a paramecium?

contractile vacuoles

Why is a contractile vacuole important to paramecium?

Water is constantly coming down it's concentrations gradient and osmotically entering the paramecium's cell. The cell would soon burst if there were not a way to offload much of this water, so contractile vacuoles do this job for the paramecium.

How does the contractile in a paramecium help maintain homeostasis?

The contractile vacuole in a paramecium excretes excess freshwater in the organism. It does this continually because water is constantly diffusing into their cytoplasm. This occurs because freshwater paramecium live in a hypotonic environment.

How does paramecium expel water?

Water is pumped out of the cell through the contractile vacuole.

How do protozoans pump out water?

I'm not sure about other Protozoans but Paramecium, a freshwater ciliate, pumps out excess water with it's Contractile Vacuoles.

How does the concractile vacuole in a paramecium help maintain homeostasis?

They arf type of excretory organell.They remove excess water from cell.

Why does it take time for polder land to be farming?

Polder land requires time for the soil to settle and stabilize after the water is drained. This process helps prevent the land from sinking or flooding in the future, ensuring it is suitable for farming. Additionally, the nutrient content of the soil may need to be replenished before crops can be successfully grown on polder land.

What is the meaning of pumped?

It means to channel water or some other liquid or air from one place to another, such as--> The Firemen pumped water onto the fire from their truck. It can also mean to be excited about something, such as--> "I am pumped about the party tonight."

What can Contractile proteins are found in?

Contractile proteins are found in what?

Where does paramecium grow?

the paramecium lives in pond water and creeks sometimes.