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There is not anything that is the same between these two cultures, it is easier to explain the differences as this: European colonists, and their American descendants; pretend to want or strive for a governmental and cultural system of freedom for all while supplying the needs of all when in reality they do not practice any portion of that purposed belief system.

As examples: Religion: European's / Americans, purport to support religious freedom for all religions while in reality they disdain, reject, bad mouth, and force these others to endure their religion while rejecting any attempt to endure the others religion. Simply look at your own money, or pledge of allegiance, to understand that - also note that "God" is well understood (at least in America) to mean the "Christian God" and no other. Government: European's / Americans, purport to stand for an open and honest government that protects the freedom of its citizens when in reality the US Government is one of the most corrupt (dollar for dollar) of any government on earth, and there is no "redress of grievance" allowed either in a political sense, or through the court systems. The USA has a constitution (supreme law of the land) and it contains one crime, Treason (death penalty offense), but even with this every single member of government (in the USA) commits this crime on a daily basis and nothing is done about it. Please also note that any attempt to do something, report the crime to the Grand Jury, ends with you in jail or shot to death. Native governments executed these people for those crimes without any delay. Classification system: European's / Americans have introduced, and find much pleasure in, a classification system. This system denotes others as (for a limited example) White Trash, Red Necks, etc.etc... Native American's see others as members or non-members of the tribe, with very little overall difference in rights. Please note that this is only a small example of the differences between these cultures, there would not be enough room (or time to read it) to list them all.

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Q: Explain and evaluate the cultural differences between the native Americans and Europeans?
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