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Q: Explain any one engineering application of interference due to thin films?
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Why small oil films on water show brilliant colours in a rainy day?

On a rainy day, small oil films on water show brilliant colours. This is due to interference.

Do eclectic critics believe that no one single theory can explain all films?


What has the author David John Street written?

David John Street has written: 'Chemically deposited thick ferrite films for device application. 1976'

What causes iridescence?

Iridescence is caused by the interference and diffraction of light waves interacting with thin films or surface structures, leading to the appearance of shifting colors. This effect occurs when light is reflected or refracted at different angles, creating the appearance of different colors depending on the observer's perspective. Examples of iridescence can be seen in materials like soap bubbles, butterfly wings, and certain minerals.

Who is the author of the book Our Films Their Films?

Satyajit Ray wrote the book 'Our Films Their Films'.

Who stars in the carry ons?

Kenneth Williams - Starred in 26 films Joan Sims - Starred in 24 films Charles Hawtrey - 23 films Sid James - 19 films Kenneth Connor - 17 films Peter Butterworth - 16 films Bernard Bresslaw - 14 films Hattie Jacques - 14 films Jim Dale - 11 films Peter Gilmore - 11 films Barbara Windsor - 10 films Patsy Rowlands - 9 films Jack Douglas - 8 films Julian Holloway - 8 films Terry Scott - 7 films Valerie Leon - 6 films John Pertwee - 4 films

What does the Mental Ray application do?

Mental Ray is a rendering application which supports tracing (artificial) rays of light through pixels in an image plane to simulate it's effects on a virtual object. This application has been used in several feature-films, to realistically incorporate CGI objects and persons seamlessly into a recorded scene. Similarly, this application can be used in a multitude of 3D-CAD programs to create a realistic representation of an object that was drawn in one such program.

What language are films in Europe?

Films in Europe aren't only in one language. For example: films in france are french, films in spain are spanish and films in germany are german!

What has the author Philip F Carothers written?

Philip F. Carothers has written: 'An experimental investigation of the pressure distribution of air in radial flow in thin films between parallel plates' -- subject(s): Mechanical engineering

What has the author Harold Bartlett Howe written?

Harold Bartlett Howe has written: 'The development of animated films to facilitate creative space perception' -- subject(s): Audio-visual aids, Engineering graphics, Study and teaching

What are some great vampire films?

The Blade films, Van Helsing, the Underworld films, Twilight films (although not all of them are out yet).

Who watches science fiction films more adults or kids?

What about joint family viewing? Dad and I used to watch Steve Canyon together and he would explain concepts that might have gone over my head. many films including sci-fi are purposely made for family viewing, and ratings ( PG for the most part) reflect this. You also do not specify theatrical films or movies on TV whom anybody can watch and catch.