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just because Conduction radiation Physics thermodynamics's heat transfer.

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Q: Explain how energy is transferred and transformed in lining systems?
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What is transformed and transferred?

It means conversion of energy from one form to another.Energy can be easily transferred.

Whenever energy is transformed is it created or destroyed?

No. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the energy of the universe is constant. Energy can be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

What energy is transferred to another energy in wind turbines?

Kinetic energy in wind is used.This energyis transformed into electricity

Howdoes hydroelectric energy is transferred and transformed in the electricity device?

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What is power in physical education?

poweris the rate at which energy is transferred, used, or transformed.

Which explain the sequence of energy transformation during photosynthesis?

Light energy is transformed into chemical energy

The light energy is transformed into what energy by the chloroplast in plants?

light energy is transferred to chemical energy which is stored as glucose

Does energy ever end or is it always transferred or transformed?

LAw of conservation of energy... can neither be created nor destroyed. never ends.

What are the forms of energy and explain how each of form being transformed and by what means?


Can matter be created by dark energy?

matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed/transferred. lrn2Law of Conservation of Mass.

What happens to the lost energy when fossil fuel is used to generate electricity?

Energy is never lost, it is transformed into different types or transferred into different systems. Some of this is useful energy, for example thermal energy used to power a turbine or generator. Some of this thermal energy is not useful, and instead just heats up the fuel container or components of the generator. This energy has still come from the fossil fuel being burned, but it has not been transferred into the system for generating electricity.

What energy transformation is Mechanical to Electrical?

when electrical energy is supplied to the motor of an electric fan, some of the electrical energy is transferred to the fan blade as kinetic energy. The energy is also transformed from electrical to kinetic.