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DNA replication requires the opening of the 'zipped up' DNA strand. This is so a 'new' strand of DNA can be inserted and have a template strand to 'read' off. DNA polymerase analyses the bases on the template strand and adds each complementary base to synthesise the 'new' strand. In order for DNA polymerase to be able to do this the DNA has to be opened up by helicase to reveal the bases of the template strand. The unzipping of the DNA by helicase forms the replication fork. Thus the function of the replication fork is to reveal template strands for DNA replication to actually occur.

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14y ago
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9y ago

The process of replication is wherein two strands unwind. Each strand will serve as a template in forming a new complementary strand of DNA.

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9y ago

There are many functions of replication including cell regeneration. Replication also functions as a way for reproducing and creating new life.

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10y ago

The process of making identical copy of the double helix, using existing DNA moleceules as templates during the synthesis of new DNA strand. Carry gentic information within the cell

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zipper with 4 teeth

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Q: Explain the function of replication
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