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So the laws don't high and raise. The people have things they can do and cannot because they are poor

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Q: Explain why some communities have limits on how many terms an elected official can hold office?
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Which elected offices in the federal government have term limits?

Only the President. Every other elected official can be re-elected numerous times.

What is the amendment number limiting an elected official to 2 terms?

The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution limits the President of the U.S. to 2 terms. It does not affect any other elected official.

What does undefined mean?

Undefined is defined. Define means to set the limits, explain. So, undefine means not to set limits or not to explain.

How many times man a senator be re-elected?

There are no limits.

How many times can a senator or a congressman be re-elected?

It's unlimited. There are no term limits at this time.

How many times can a senator and congressperson be re-elected?

There are no term limits. They can be re-elected until they either retire or die or don't get re-elected.

How many times can a person be elected to the house?

There are no term limits for congressmen.

What is the two term limit?

A term limit is a legal restriction that limits the number of terms an officeholder may serve in a particular elected office.

A number of time a senator can be elected?

No Limits on U.S. Senators. They serve 6 year terms, but have no limits on how many terms they can serve.

How many times can a senatore be re elected?

A U.S. Senator can be elected and re-elected from the day they turn 30 years old until they die. They have no term limits.

84 How many times may a Senator or Congressman be re-elected?

there are no limits

How many times may a Senator of Congressman be re-elected?

There are no limits at this time.