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meiosis copies nd the other one does not

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Q: Explain why the daughter cells produced by meiosis are genetically different from each other?
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ANSWER:Let me explain this to you if I can, siblings has one or two different parents. But a parent and a child is a lot more connected because of where the child came from

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Gametes are haploid cells used in sexual reproduction, so they can be found in the reproductive organs. Plants are a different story completely, but generally there are a place inside the organism that produces them. They are the product of meiosis, which hopefully a graphic below will explain. It is essentially the splitting of DNA in a cell in half and then in half again to create genetic diversity and creates 4 genetically different daughter cells.

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Well it is the first daughter

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Biodiversity is the sum of total of the genetically based variety of all organisms in the biosphere.

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Many people are for labeling genetically modified meats. With a label on the meat, many people are able to choose whether they want to purchase the meat or not.

What do you call the daughter-in-law's brother?

Use of their name is appropriate. If you have to explain their relationship, they would be your son's wife's brother, or your daughter-in-law's brother.